黃俊飛 Fei Wong,1959年生於香港。1981年,畢業於大一藝術設計學院,及後1984年,畢業於正形插畫課程。曾任職遠東廣告公司助理創作總監,智威湯遜(香港)有限公司概念圖畫師(visualizer)。為了專注繪畫創作,於1989成立插畫公司 Fine Effort Illustration,踏上全職插畫師自由人之路。於1992年開始用電腦繪畫插畫,是香港數碼插畫先鋒,融合傳統手繪與電腦軟件技巧如3dsMax、Maya、Photoshop、painter等,注入不同的表現介面,追求革新的插畫視覺效果,為各大設計及廣告公司提供專業插畫創作。近年擔任多項立體錯視創作(3d illusion Trick Art),曾為客戶美國航空,張二十幾個美國著名景點以立體錯視畫佈滿中環地下鐵路機鐵站,曾為apm、圓方等商場創作節日推廣之立體錯視畫,同類創作於上海、北京、廣州等地受應用,作品令觀衆彷似置身於大硤谷、河流,產生有趣的互動。任跨媒介創意插畫及數碼繪畫技巧文憑課程主講導師,並曾任香港插畫師協會第二及第三屆會長。
Fei Wong, a Hong Kong based illustrator, was born in Hong Kong in 1959. Graduated from the First Institute of Art and Design in 1981. 3 years later in 1984, Fei graduated from orthomorphic illustration courses. Having to work within the advertising field for years, Fei served as a concept artist for JWT advertising agency and assistant creative director of Far East advertising Limited.
Fei established his own company FINE EFFORT ILLUSTRATION in 1989.
Coupled with a range of experiences in traditional hand-painting with modern computer techniques and innovation,
Fei applied his proficient skills to 2D & 3D software applications to provide professional and innovative commercial illustration services for the major advertising, design and real estate services companies.
His clients include JWT HONG KONG, Ogilvy & Mather (Hong Kong & Shanghai), BATES China, Leo Burnett (Hong Kong & Shanghai), Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited, Sun Hung Kai Properties, Sino Group, New World Development Company Limited etc.
Apart from his own work, Fei is also engaged in promoting illustration culture and education in Hong Kong.
Fei is not only the speaker for diploma course in Creative Cross-media Illustration and Digital Drawing Techniques, but also a former chairman/ co-founder of Hong Kong Society of Illustrators.